MJ - Earth Song (Allah Akbar in background)
We should use Technology and use our knowledge of English in order to help create world harmony.
The Last Temptation of Christ
Click here to watch the movie on Google
With added comments by Marouane Dahni
This film was banned for telling the story of Jesus Christ peace be upon him based on the version of the Qur'an (God's final revelation [uncorrupted by human] to mankind) and the mention of Muhammad, the Final Messenger of God, peace be upon him.
Directed by Martin Scorsese and Michael Jackson (who made a clear reference of support to this in the short movie "Bad" which was directed by Scorsese as well).
The proof is in the documentary "Michael Jackson Symbolism" found on the following link:
"The dual substance of Christ - the yearning, so human,
so superhuman, of man to attain God...
has always been a deep inscrutable (mysterious) mystery to me.
My principle anguish and source of all my joys and sorrows from my youth onward has been the incessant, merciless battle between the spirit (wanting to attain Paradise) and the flesh (satisfying the worldy lust) and my soul is the arena where these two armies have clashed and met."
Nikos Kazantzakis
From the book "The Last Temptation of Christ"
This film is not based upon the Gospels (The Bible) but upon this fictional exploration of the eternal spiritual conflict.
Throughout the movie (endorsed by Michael Jackson in the Bad video and calling it not sacrilegous), Scorsese shows that it is Satan who whispered this idea into people to make them polytheistic when God wants us to Worship Him Alone, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and that His Creation of Jesus peace be upon him in Mary's womb without a father is easy for God to do like He created Adam from clay.
God has no son. That's why this movie was banned and Michael Jackson himself referred to this movie as telling the Truth. (Proof will be found in Part 21 of the documentary "Michael Jackson Symbolism" on the youtube channel "Marouane Dahni")
You will hear in the background a praise in Arabic saying "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad being his final Messenger."
You will hear exactly the Arabic singer say "La Ilaha Illa Allah, sayyiduna Muhammad Rassoulou Llah".
"La Ilaha Illa Allah" meaning "There is no God but Allah" because the miracles were interpreted wrongly to be Jesus's ability as a god or the "son of God" which Scorsese clearly showed that it's a lie against God (earlier in the movie) and that Jesus is a Prophet given Miracles, like Abraham, Moses and Muhammad peace and prayers be upon all of them.
Throughout the movie, Scorsese showed that it is Satan who whispered this idea into people to make them polytheistic when God wants us to Worship Him Alone, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and that His Creation of Jesus peace be upon him in Mary's womb without a father is easy for God to do like He created Adam from clay.
The singer says... (at the timeframe 01:23:00 and in other scenes in the movie)
01:23:00,729 -- 01:23:05,148
"La ilaha illa Llaaaaha"
(There is no god but Allah)
01:23:06,729 -- 01:23:10,148
"Sayyiduna Muhammad Rassoulou Llah..."
(Our Master Muhammad is a Messenger of Allah)
الإغراء الأخير للمسيح عليه السلام
الفيلم بأكمله مع شرح بالعربية هنا
مُنع هذا الفيلم لإيصاله قصة المسيح عليه الصلاة و السلام بالطريقة الإسلامية و ذكر محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم
من إخراج مارتن سكورسيزي و مايكل جاكسن
إن ازدواجية شخصية المسيح عليه السلام، التطلع، الإنساني بامتياز، فوق الإنساني، للرجل للوصول إلى ما ينتظره الله منه كانت دائما لغزا غامضا و عميقا بالنسبة لي. ـ قلقي الرئيسي ومصدر كل أفراحي و أحزاني منذ شبابي إلى يومنا هذا كان هو المعركة التي لا تنتهي بين الروح (التطلع إلى الجنة) والجسد (إشباع الشهوات) ... ـ وروحي كانت هي الحلبة التي فيها تعارك فيها هذين الجيشين و التقيا
نيكوس كازانتزاكيس
من الكتاب
"الإغراء الأخير للمسيح"
لا يستند هذا الفيلم إلى الإنجيل ولكن يستند إلى هذا الاستكشاف الخيالي للصراع الروحي الأبدي. ـ
يمكنكم مشاهدة الفيديو
اختاروا من قائمة الضبط أسفل يمين الفيديو